Friday, March 01, 2013

The Happiness Advantage

This week I have been feeling dissatisfied. It feels like I am unwanted, unneeded, unsuccessful. The key word there is "feels". At no point has anyone ever told me these things, nor do I have any evidence. It is a mental state I walked myself into and haven't yet figured out how to walk myself out of.

Wanting some advice, but not sure what I was looking for, I rifled through TED talks until I found something that seemed to call to me. A talk by Shawn Achor, called "The happy secret to better work".

If you haven't made your way to TED talks before, I highly recommend you give it a try! They host some of the most amazing people in the world to spread new ideas through videos and conferences. They even have an app. ~_^

With humour, logic, and good story telling, he rapidly leads you into a hopeful state of mind. You can change your mental attitudes. Then he sets a challenge: Rewire your brain.

Challenge accepted.

Part 1:
  • 21 days
  • 2 minutes per day
  • 3 things you are grateful for
I will update this post at least once a week until the end of the 21 days detailing my gratitudes. After 21 days, I will try to honestly answer whether or not I feel it has helped.

Part 2:

These are other things he mentions, and I see them more as goals than daily challenges.
  • Journal about something positive that happened to you in the last 24 hours to relive it
  • Exercise to teach your brain that what you do is important
  • Meditate to practice focusing on one task
  • Perform acts of kindness to open up your world to small satisfactions
After the first challenge I will tackle these. ^_^


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