Friday, July 05, 2013

Challenge: Daily Organizing (Junk Drawer)

Sooooooooo . . .  2 months later, I finally get started.

Day 1 consists of the relatively gentle task of sorting out the junk drawer.

Or ALL the junk drawers

Instructions were simple. My interpretation is as follows:

1) Pick drawer(s)

2) Take picture of chaos

3) Dump contents onto floor

 4) Take drawers outside and blow off accumulated pet hair/dust. (Aren't I classy?)

5) Sort junk into categories; keep, donate, or toss.

6) Put keep items either in their proper spot in the not-so-junky junk drawer or relocate to proper home elsewhere

7) Move cat out of drawer

8) Take picture proof that I was productive today


If I am being honest with myself (always a dangerous thought), while the drawers look better, no system was set up for keeping the drawers organized. These drawers tend to act as a landing area for the various bits and pieces that you have in your hands when you come home. Currently I have a drawer for things I need to return to friends or the library, one for dog walking, and one for "I am going outside, but it is too bright/dark/buggy". No drawer for "I just came home with random things that I have to find a home for". This could be a good thing, forcing me to find a home for things. Yay! Knowing myself though, those random things will find their way onto the kitchen counter.

Constant vigilance, my pretties!